Who are Pomskies?
Pomskys were specially bred as a cute miniature companion. To do this, representatives of one fifth of the group were crossed - Pomeranian Spitz and Siberian Huskies. Small dogs with the characteristic appearance of huskies are often confused with other mestizos of this breed - the Alaskan Klee Kai and the Siberian mini husky. In 2011, the famous breeder Teresa Peterson from Burnsville (North Carolina, USA), specializing in breeding huskies, became interested in the possibility of breeding a new breed, and after 2 years the first litter was obtained. At the same time, similar crossbreeding was carried out in Russia (Lovely Pat’s nursery, Moscow region). For two years, all the puppies received remained in the nursery for further breeding work, and for the next 3 years the best representatives were selected for the further formation of the breed. Many breeders followed the example of Peterson and Kudryashova, and after some time there became a need for an organization that would monitor their activities. Thus, in 2013, the Pomsky Club of America (PCA) was organized, whose task was to maintain selection at a high level and the desire to achieve recognition of the Pomsky as an independent breed with its own standard, and in 2019, the Association of Pomsky Owners and Breeders in Russia-Pomsky was organized in Russia Owners & Breeders Association Russia – P.O.B.A.R. Pomsky Owners & Breeders Association Russia – P.O.B.A.R. So far, Pomskies are not recognized by the canine societies RKF and FCI, and the activities of breeders are supported only by the ROO NKL OPK KC STOUT (Russia), RSA and ASNS - the American Club of Hybrid Dogs, DWCU-USA and the P.O.B.A.R. Association, which is a member and official representative in the Russian Federation , international organization Dog World Cynological Union “DWCU” (USA), UCI-International Union of Kennel Clubs Germany, IKU SKOR -International Kennel Union Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia-breed group. In Russia, Tatyana Evgenievna Kudryashova has been officially engaged in the selection and formation of the Pomsky breed since 2013, nursery “POMSKY RUSSIA LOVELY PET”

Standard Pomsky
Country of origin: Russia, USA
Purpose: companion dog SKOR-IKU
classification: group 5 “Companion dogs” without working tests
General appearance: a medium-sized, active dog with a lively temperament, strong build, with moderate (not light) bones, sexual dimorphism is well expressed.
Spitz-shaped with the color of a Siberian Husky.
Behavior and character: highly trainable and completely people-oriented.
The dog is quite energetic, but not willful like a husky.
Does not require much physical activity, but can be used in sports.
Grooming is minimized.
Stress-resistant and suitable for keeping in urban environments.
When viewed from the side, the length of the body, measured from the humeroscapular joints to the ischial tuberosities, is slightly greater than the height of the dog at the withers; The length of the muzzle from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the length of the skull, measured from the stop to the occipital protuberance.
Head: proportional to the body.
Skull: Medium in size, proportional to the body, slightly rounded and tapering from the widest point to the eyes.
Stop: Well defined.
Disadvantages: small lightweight or excessively heavy head; flat back of the head.
Faults: too small or very heavy head, not triangular in shape.
FACIAL REGION OF THE SKULL: Muzzle: straight, of medium length, proportional to the skull, well filled and fairly wide, tapering slightly towards the nose; The ratio of muzzle to skull is approximately 1:1.
The lips are well pigmented, close fitting and match the color of the nose.
Disadvantages: muzzle too narrow or wide and heavy.
Faults: muzzle too short or long
Nose: medium size, clearly defined.
Acceptable nose color: black for gray, fawn, white or black dogs; brown in brown and fawn dogs; may be flesh-colored in pure white dogs.
A “snowy nose” (with pink streaks) is allowed.
Disadvantages: partial pigmentation of the nose
Jaws and teeth: jaws are normally developed, bite 6x6 when fully closed, scissor bite with full dental formula Disadvantages: straight bite, missing one or two teeth
Defects: overshot, undershot, misaligned jaw, missing more than 2 teeth Cheekbones: softly rounded, not prominent
Eyes. Almond-shaped, moderately wide and slightly oblique. Eye color brown, green or blue, eyes of different colors and partially different colors are acceptable Faults: set too obliquely or too close, non-mendala-shaped.
Ears: triangular in shape. medium size, close upright, positioned high on the head Faults: wide-standing, rounded, too small or too large in relation to the head Defects: hanging or semi-hanging, soft cartilage
Neck: medium length, without dewlap, set high. When moving at a trot, it stretches out and brings its head slightly forward. Disadvantages: slight deviations from the above
BODY Back: straight, strong, of medium length. The top line is smooth and straight. Faults: slightly arched, sagging back, not straight topline
Tail: pubescent, when the dog is in a calm state, the tail is hanging, long, the tip of the tail reaches the protrusion of the hock joint; when the animal is excited, the tail is curved over the back in the shape of a sickle or lies on the back, or can be lowered to the side in the form of a half ring; Disadvantages: high and straight tail, tightly curled tail.
Chest: Deep, well arched, but not too broad. The ribs are slightly flat to allow the dog to move freely. The muscles and ligaments attaching the shoulder to the chest are strong and well developed. Faults: chest line just above the elbow, too wide or narrow chest, rounded (barrel-shaped) or too flat ribs
LIMBS Forelegs: When viewed from the front, moderately spaced, straight, parallel and plumb. The shoulder blades are directed obliquely backward, long, with well-developed muscles and fit tightly to the chest. The length from the elbow to the floor is slightly greater than the distance from the elbow to the top of the withers. Removal of the fifth finger is allowed. The elbows are strong and fit well to the chest. The forearms are straight, of medium length in relation to the body. The pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. The paws are well assembled, the toes are of medium length. Disadvantages: straight shoulders, weak ligaments, slight deviations from the above.
Hindquarters: Muscular, parallel when viewed from behind. Thighs moderately muscular. The length of the thigh is equal to the length of the lower leg. The knees are strong, moderately arched, clearly defined, and do not turn outward or inward when moving. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and strong. The corners are quite pronounced. Disadvantages: all deviations from the above
Movement: moderately fast trot. When viewed from the front one step at a time, it does not form a simple path. As speed increases, the limbs gradually tilt inward so that the paw prints line up along the longitudinal axis of the body.
Leather: fits tightly to the body, does not form folds
WOOL Two types are allowed - elongated (fluffy) and classic (medium length), double with a thick undercoat, straight guard hairs; Fault: too short or long shaggy coat, lack of undercoat.
COAT COLOR black and white, gray and white, silver and white, fawn and white, brown and white, black and white with tan, brown and white with tan, solid white. It is mandatory to have masks typical for the Siberian Husky breed.
GROWTH, height at withers Standard: 40-45 cm Mini: 35-40 cm Toy: 30-35 cm
FAULTS Defects in build, head too flat or apple-shaped, not pure color, square body format.
DISQUALIFYING VICES - aggressiveness or cowardice; -unclosed fontanel; -overshot or undershot; - solid coat colors - black, brown (agouti), red, fawn, sable - white and spotted (peabold), - solid coat colors with white markings, - black and tan with white spotting (less than 30%) and - brown and tan with white spotting (less than 30%), -merle, -black and tan, -brown and tan -fawn and white in combination with brown eyes, -solid white in combination with brown eyes.
NOTE: Males must have two apparently normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum. The permissible percentage of DNA of the Alaskan Malamute, Japanese Spitz, German Spitz and Samoyed Husky is no more than 15%
COMMENT: The Club dog handler/kennel manager is given the right to independently evaluate and cull the puppies of the litter. If for some reason, in the absence of shortcomings and defects, the club dog handler/kennel manager has decided not to admit one or more puppies into the breeding program, he has the right to make an appropriate note in the puppy’s metric and general litter card. When exchanging such a metric for a certificate of origin (pedigree), it will be issued with the stamp “Without the right of breeding use.” Such a dog can participate in exhibition events, but does not participate in the breeding program.
FEATURES OF BREEDING One of the most discussed questions: how do matings occur between miniature Spitz dogs and fairly large huskies? Internet users have a lot of versions on this matter. In fact, the breeders do not place any stools and do not tie the dogs to anything. In most cases, Pomsky breeders obtain Pomsky puppies by artificially inseminating a Husky female with the sperm of a Spitz male.ОСОБЕННОСТИ CONTENTS Due to their small size, Pomskies can be kept in an apartment. It is advisable that the dog has its own sleeping place, bowls and several toys. Pomskys love to be the center of attention and be close to their owner, but at the same time, these dogs can easily tolerate forced loneliness and feel great both in a large family and in a quiet home with a single owner.
CARE Pomskies are not a hypoallergenic breed and shed quite a lot, as a rule, this is the first age shedding and subsequent seasonal ones twice a year. During shedding, the dog needs to be brushed regularly. Bathe your dog no more than once a month. It is also necessary to ensure that the ears and eyes are always clean. The claws are trimmed as they grow, once every 3-4 weeks. You can feed your Pomsky both natural food and ready-made industrial food. It is advisable to walk your dog 2-3 times a day for at least an hour.
HEALTH Pomskies, as a rule, do not inherit diseases characteristic of the original breeds. This is largely due to the effect of heterosis, which is also called hybrid vigor. In other words, this is an increase in the vitality, fertility and health of mestizos compared to the parent forms. Of course, Pomskies can get sick, but more often the diseases are caused by poor care or nutrition. The Pomsky's lifespan is estimated to be 13-15 years.
Source of information: website of the nursery "POMSKY RUSSIA LOVELY PET".