Dog safety in the country and in a private home.
1. Treatment against ticks is mandatory!
Ixodid ticks pose a very great danger to dogs. Some of them carry Babesia - the causative agents of babesiosis (or piroplasmosis) - an extremely dangerous, severe, often fatal disease for dogs. Ideally, if you constantly live in a country house and know that there are a lot of ticks in your area or friends have talked about cases of piroplasmosis (babesiosis), then treat the area 3-4 days before the dog arrives! To avoid problems, two or three days before going to the country, treat your dog with special tick repellents in the form of sprays, a drop on the withers, or put on a special collar. In a good way, such treatment should be done constantly, regardless of whether the dog leaves the city for nature or not - the chances of catching an infected tick are the same whether in the city or outside the city. It’s just that outside the city it is more difficult to detect symptoms and provide timely assistance. But the dog’s life depends on the efficiency of its provision. Don't take risks!
2. No uncontrolled forays outside the site! Even if your neighbors don't garden, don't keep poultry or cats, aren't afraid of dogs, or aren't even around right now, don't let your dog explore the neighborhood on his own. There may be a mousetrap installed in the neighboring area, a cellar open for ventilation, a wasp nest or other country hazards. If your site is not fenced with a reliable fence. Contrary to popular belief about dogs that can find their way home under any circumstances, your pet can simply get lost, carried away by, for example, a female dog in heat from a neighboring village. Therefore, be sure to put information on your dog’s collar that can be used to contact you (a badge, an engraved tag, a pen inscription on a canvas or leather collar).
3. Electricity - under control! Hide any wires that your dog can reach. Even dogs that were previously not interested in wires in the apartment may, once at the dacha, decide to frolic and play with electrical appliances left online. Pay special attention to working with electrical equipment. A cord from a running lawnmower crawling through the grass can be a deadly toy for your pet.
4. Keep household, construction and garden chemicals under lock and key! Don't rely on your dog's intelligence, which you think will prevent him from even getting close to potentially dangerous things. Do not tempt fate and remove paints, gasoline, solvents, and pesticides for treating plants and soil from your pet’s reach. Carry out all work on spraying plants in the absence of the dog, before or after its stay at the dacha.