What is the difference between a Pomeranian-Toy Spitz and a German Spitz?
First of all, this is the difference in size! German Spitz Toy/Pomeranian:
Height: 18-24 cm.
Weight: 1.8 - 3.5 kg.
German Small (miniature) Spitz:
Height: 24-30 cm.
Weight: 3.5 - 5 kg.
This is the main difference; they are divided into height categories both in documents and at exhibitions. There is also a division into German type and Pomeranian. The type is determined by the quality of the coat (the ratio of undercoat to hair), as well as the shape of the skull and bones. Main differences in the head:

It should be taken into account that in any size category (Toy or Small) there can be one type or another. Breed is determined by height!
The German type is considered classic and original.
Pomeranian - selection.