Differences between Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and King Charles Spaniel.
Many people confuse the King Charles Spaniel with the Cavaliers.
And this is not at all strange, because the breeds are related and they are separated by one word in the name. But in fact, after the division, the breeds began to differ quite greatly and very often the shortcomings of one breed are mistakenly prescribed to another breed!
Let's try to figure it out:
According to the King Charles Spaniel standard, they are smaller in size and supposedly live longer, but in fact Kings are a brachecephalic breed with frequent malformations of the heart and brain (due to the structure of the skull).
Kings began to be imported to Russia not long ago, and often the dogs were 2-3 times larger than the standard.
In the picture KING Charles Spaniels:

Pictured is a King Charles Spaniel puppy:

This breed is beautiful in its uniqueness. Their breed characteristic is that they are undershot and their eyes are large and dark, widely set (I would describe them as protruding!). Skull: Moderately large in comparison with the size of the dog, convex, filled above the eyes.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a more elongated muzzle and a proportional head to body.
They are harmoniously built and have an excellent psyche.
The tail is not docked, unlike Kings.
In the picture CAVALIER King Charles Spaniel: